Microthermics Electric 25HV Hybrid

Microthermics Electric 25HV Hybrid

$70,000 (USD)

for Professionally Pre-Commissioned System


Micro Thermics Steam Injection Module

 - Serial No: 5024-146

 - Max Capacity: 3 liters/min

 - Aseptic Tank: MAWP 45 PSI @ 275 DegF, MDMT -20 DegF @ 45 PSIG. 

 - Power Req: 115V/1Ph + 230V/60hz/3Ph

 - On Casters

 - Dimensions: 70''W x 23"Deep x 74''H

Not Priced Separately. Paired with MISC-1535A UHT/HTST Pasteurizer (Required)

See MISC-1535-Sys for Complete Package

System will arrive Professionally Tested and READY TO INSTALLeam.


ModelElectric 25HV Hybrid
Serial Number5024-146
Stock NumberMISC-1536